Move in to move on
HousingSupport Service
Are you aged 16-21, leaving care and/or homeless? Do you want to build your confidence and develop skills to manage a home?
We can help you with:
- Budgeting, paying bills, getting the right benefits
- Shopping and cooking
- Setting up and maintaining your home
- Getting into or maintaining education, training and employment
- Keeping safe
- Managing your physical and mental health
Helping you find and keep accommodation
FloatingSupport Service
Are you aged 16-25? Are you at risk of becoming homeless? Finding it hard to manage your tenancy?
We can help you with:
- Finding accommodation
- Setting up and maintaining your home
- Being a good neighbour
- Managing your money
- Training, education and job seeking
- Staying safe
- Your emotional wellbeing and physical health
Live, dream, succeed
WellbeingSupport Service
Are you aged 16-25? Have you ever experienced low mood, self-harm or thoughts of suicide? Do you want to build your confidence, get out and about, and meet new people?
We can help you with:
- Staying safe
- Coping
- Confidence building
- Building new support networks
- Training, education & finding a job
Participation Service
Led By YouParticipation Service
Are you aged 16-25? Do you want to develop your confidence and leadership skills?
We can help you with:
- Gaining qualifications
- Meeting new people
- Having your voice heard
- Developing your confidence