We’re committed to developing outcomes monitoring systems to evidence the quality support we offer to young people accessing our services.

In July 2008, the outcome star system was implemented to record young people’s individual journey and distance travelled throughout the duration of their support.  This has proved to be an excellent visual tool for recording soft outcomes and has been positively received by both staff and young people.

Spin StystemWe have also developed SPIN, a bespoke online database system which monitors hard outcomes.  We have selected 20 outcome areas to measure which fit into the five higher level strategic areas of the outcomes framework.  The five higher level areas include;

  • Economic well-being
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Be healthy
  • Stay safe, and
  • Make a positive contribution.

The SPIN system is used to record, measure and analyse hard outcomes for young people. It enables us as an organisation to evidence details such as how many young people received the correct benefits, how many maintained their tenancies, how many accessed training and employment etc.

The SPIN system generates reports that allow the analysis of outcomes information and provide an overall picture of service performance, gaps in provision, staff training needs, service strengths and young people’s progress.

We continue to embrace outcome monitoring in our practice. We have benefitted from the SPIN system, which has enabled us to centralise all our case details and focus on improving the impact of our work.

Identifying our 20 service-level outcome measures from the basket of indicators has reinforced our aims and objectives by generating specific targets and clarifying roles.

For more information on the SPIN system, visit their website.