Christmas is a known as a time of generosity and good will and this has been shown in abundance in Downpatrick due to the wonderful people in our local community.

? The Mother’s Union recently visited and donated hampers for our young people.

? The good folk in Fountain Food Bank kindly donated 35 food hampers as well as meat vouchers.

? Gillian Fitzpatrick, the chairperson of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council also brought us lovely gifts.

? And finally, we received an amazing donation of £1,649 from Counsellors Walker and Andrews following their charity cycle run! Margaret Richie and Jim Shannon MP also attended to present the cheque.

Young people and staff have been delighted and overwhelmed by the wonderful spirit of our community and greatly appreciate it.

Without your support we wouldn’t be able to do our work so a massive THANK YOU from all of us!!

~ Catherine, Integrated Services Manager