Could you face sleeping outside for one night in November so other young people don’t have to?

We invite you, your friends and colleagues to Sleep Out with us and help end youth homelessness on the 14th November 2019.
We will host the second Sleep Out in Victoria Park, Belfast as part of End Youth Homelessness, a movement which brings together local charities to tackle the UK-wide issue of youth homelessness on a national scale.
Last year was our first Sleep Out and we had 107 people take part raising a whooping £28,900. Every penny of this fundraising goes directly back to providing young peoples frontline support services.
We want to end youth homelessness and MACS are tackling the problem locally by providing a home and support to over 44 vulnerable young adults each night. We give the young people stability and support their education, training and careers and ensure they have life skills such as shopping, cooking and being able to budget their money so they can leave MACS housing and support services to forge an independent life. With the right opportunities and support, homeless young people can turn their lives around and build successful futures.
Your support at Sleep Out will help make this happen. Whether you wish to take part as an individual or form a group, you can help vulnerable young adults avoid sleeping on the streets or experiencing other hidden forms of homelessness such as sofa surfing by fundraising and possibly recruiting friends to join you in this challenge.
The event is also a great way to build awareness of the issue of homelessness in our region, whilst raising much-needed funds, which are used to deliver the work we do to tackle youth homelessness in Belfast and Northern Ireland.
In today’s climate of funding cuts and political uncertainty, fundraising has become more important than ever if we are to continue the work we do in this region.
How to register
Please register on our Eventbrite page. Once you have filled in the required fields and paid £20 you are registered for the Sleep Out. You will receive further instructions on the event via email after registration is complete.
The easiest way to fundraise is by setting up a Virgin Money Giving page, where our charity is registered. Details of how to set up a fundraising page will be emailed to you after registration. If you would prefer to receive a printed sponsorship form please email
What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?
Victoria Park is situated beside the Sydenham By-Pass and the City Airport (George Best). It has it’s own car park which we have been allowed access to. You can also get to the park via the train or buses to this area. To access the park you must come in off the Holywood Road there is no vehicle access via the By-Pass.
Who can take part?
This is an over 18 year old event. You can take part as an individual or part of a group. If you have any medical conditions that may affect your ability to take part in this challenging event, please consult with your GP .
What can I bring into the event?
A sleeping bag, a pillow and a roll out mat to lie on. Extra cardboard will be provided. Please dress warm. We advise you double up on socks and gloves. November is c-c-c-c-old! No glass bottles. Light snacks and breakfast will be provided and is covered by your registration fee. Our advice is to have a proper meal before arrival. Entertainment will be provided from 7pm to 11pm when we sleep ( or try to sleep).
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
Please send event queries and Carla with media enquiries