First Match Questionnaire Help us improve the volunteer experience Is MACS recruitment and induction process effective? Yes No Don't Know Is MACS training of a high quality? Yes No Don't Know Did you feel prepared for your role? Yes No Don't Know Did you feel you were effectively supported and supervised throughout your experience? Yes No Don't Know Did you feel the process was well paced? Yes No Don't Know Has your experience increased your employability or helped you access further training? Yes No Don't Know Did your experience meet your expectations/needs? Yes No Do you feel the young person/people benefited from the experience? Yes No Don't Know Did you feel your experience was fulfilling? Yes No Don't Know Would you continue to volunteer with MACS? Yes No Don't Know Can you tell us why not?Is there anything we could do differently that would encourage you to volunteer again with us?Any other comments?Almost done! If you’d like us to follow up with anything, please leave your name and number and we will contact you as soon as possible. Click on the Submit Your Feedback button at the bottom to finish.Your NameYour Phone NumberYour EmailIf you add your email address, we'll send you a copy of your completed feedback. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.