Jo and Marty Jo and Marty have come to a close with their match and we all know that when something special comes to an end, it can be quite tough!

These guys have been incredible in meeting so consistently and built up a real bond during their mentoring relationship! Jo felt compelled to write Marty a letter about how much mentoring meant to him and what he has got from it.

Have a wee read……beware, you might shed a tear or two!

~ Charley, Wellbeing Worker


Dear Marty,

Thank you so much for everything and I don’t mean taking me out on Sunday to goto Belfast and have a good time NO! What I mean is that you’ve so much understanding and compassion, you’ve a good sense of humour and you’ve helped me become more independent and confident in myself. You help me out when I’m in need. You’re a very mannerly and respecting person and throughout my entire year with you, I’ve come to know you as a true best friend and what my mum says that you’re like a big brother to me and that may not be far from the truth.

At first, when we both met up (well technically it was at the MACS fun day), I felt very nervous and shy about meeting you but after a proper sit-down I knew that we were going to get along with each other very well. However, I don’t think this letter is enough to express my honest gratitude and happiness being with you as my mentor and it’ll be very sad to see you go but I know you’ve had a great time too and I hope, I just really hope this isn’t the last we see each other but I know it probably won’t…

From your best compadre,


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