efc-ffeawards2016-winner MACS Supporting Children & Young People is this year’s most family friendly employer in the Social Enterprise/Charity of the Year.  We scooped the award amid a field of very high standard entries.

Marie Marin, CEO of Employers For Childcare, says winning the award is a tribute to the dedication of our organisation and to our employees.

We are delighted by MACS’ achievement, says Ms Marin. The judges faced a tough challenge as this year the field was tighter than ever. This in itself illustrates the degree to which employers are now committing to the highest possible standards and conditions of employment for staff with caring responsibilities, allowing them to strike a realistic and sustainable work-life balance.

Northern Ireland’s Family Friendly Employers’ Awards have revealed an ever growing number of firms and organisations who have faced the diversity and equality challenges in the work place head on by providing their employees with the best possible work life balances. In its sixth year, the Awards show the commitment being made by a broad range of small enterprises, public sector organisations and larger private sector companies to accommodate its employees.

Firms and organisations across Northern Ireland are increasingly aware of the need to make their places of work as family friendly as possible, says Ms Marin. It’s not just about being a decent employer; it makes commercial sense and secures the loyalty of staff better than many other incentives.

The Family Friendly Employers Awards were secured in five different categories. Here are all the winners: 

Public Sector Organisation of the Year:  Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Highly Commended: Armagh City Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council

Education Sector Organisation of the Year: Queen’s University Belfast

Highly Commended: Aisling Daycare & After School

Small Medium Enterprise of the Year: Aisling Daycare & After School

Highly Commended: Progressive Building Society and Catalyst Inc.

Large Private Company of the Year: Allstate

Highly Commended: Lagan Construction Group

Social Enterprise/Charity of the Year: MACS

Highly Commended: Northern Ireland Hospice