Housing Awards MACS are absolutely delighted to be shortlisted for 3 awards in this year’s CIH Housing Awards!

We have been shortlisted in the following categories:

Housing Team of the Year – Belfast Floating Support – This year has no doubt been a transformational journey for Belfast Floating Support and we will continue to grow, develop and remain relevant in the housing sector as well as continuing to treat our young people with compassion inclusion and respect. Homelessness, for many young people has become much more complex than providing accommodation and the challenge now is to ensure that once accommodation is in place that support services are also in place to keep young people safe and healthy. Find out more about floating support here macsni.org/what-we-do/floating-support

Excellence in Housing Innovation for our Shared Tenancy Project – MACS were keen to look at how to create new housing options that not only addressed the issue of having the right to a home but also isolation and loneliness. Funded and supported by Belfast Housing Executive MACS began to work on creating a Shared Housing Model to increase move on options for young people which is more affordable. Find out more here macsni.org/introducing-our-new-role

Excellence in Housing Innovation for our Prison Resettlement Project – Resettlement is a strategic priority for the Prison Service and as such, planning for each person’s release should start on arrival, with a coordinated and constructive programme upon release.  Early intervention and prevention work is an imperative factor for young people to succeed in life after Prison, stable accommodation and support being vital to prevent reoffending.  This is something that our Prison Resettlement Worker has been able to identify and support young people with from their first meeting.  Find out more here macsni.org/the-release-date

It’s an honour to be shortlisted amongst many other organisation across Ireland that are leading the way in housing related issues.  Good Luck to everyone on the night!!