In the spirit of true bah humbug, I am not going to do a Christmas blog. As you may know, I loathe and love Christmas in equal measure. However, the balance has shifted over to loathe – no I cannot accept Christmas starting in October.
I definitely have run out of steam and Christmas goodwill by now! All around me are people getting stressed about buying! And then I see so much loneliness that is ever so much heightened at Christmas. I am sure you have all seen the advert that has gone viral on YouTube. Phil Beastall made the short film for £50 and unlike the demeaning and cloying John Lewis which let’s face it is about getting people to spend more money (usually those who have very little). This Ad focuses on the gift of love – no money exchanges hands – no pressure to find the perfect gift as the real gift is love.
Community Foundation presentation

Enough of me on my soapbox – let’s talk about how fantastic our young people are. In Led by You our young people undertook some fantastic promotional work on behalf of the organisation. I had the opportunity to attend one of the meetings where Caoimhe T, Caoimhe W, Jonny and Robyn from Led by You presented to the Community Foundation Board of Directors about how participation is so important to them and how MACS really do listen and take on the views of young people, particularly in relation to changing service provision. I was so proud of them, they were articulate, wise, engaging, funny and insightful – with this calibre of young person, so go-getting and confident – workers in other organisations watch out for your jobs!
BBC Children in Need promotional video

Also in Led by You Cillian, Robyn, Jonny, Caoimhe T and Caoimhe W helped out with a BBC Children in Need promotional video – feedback from Trevor said “they embodied passion, decorum and utmost professionalism”.
Connection with Queens University Belfast
Volunteering at Radius Housing
Downpatrick improvements
In Downpatrick as a result of involvement in the social pedagogy training, staff and young people are purposefully looking at how they can make the office space more user-friendly. Work is ongoing currently to transform some parts of the office so that it feels less off-putting and more welcoming to all.
Volunteers in MACS are our shining lights!
We could not do without you, and I am truly humbled and grateful to the generosity of others who gladly give up of their free time to give to others. This month Amy asked me to give special praise to Chris Dean (she pointed out that pronounced out loud can be confused with Christine!!) This is what Amy said about Chris:
He is a fantastic addition to the volunteer team – at a recent group event with young people, the young people were coming up to me to ask could they be mentored by Chris – he has a natural ability to put people at their ease, he is reliable and totally committed and groups would just not be the same without him.
Belfast Sleep Out
Muddy Paws gets premises
Therapeutic Community for Children

And we are nearly there with our therapeutic community for children. All the team are now in place and will start their induction for the month of December. Big welcome to our new starts Carole, Nicky, Aaron, Catherine, Ceire, Eadaoin, Sarah and Lindsay. Their training will focus specifically on the Just Right State therapeutic approach, self-reflection and how to function as a self-managing team.
We are in the midst of getting our lovely home ready and the plan is to welcome our first child in January. This has been a tremendous journey for all of us involved so far and we have I am sure much to learn in the future. I truly believe that we can do something that is groundbreaking and essential and that as an organisation we can positively impact and try to change in some small way the very poor outcomes for children who have gone through care.
As its coming to the end of the year can I thank all our great staff for their commitment and loyalty to the children and young people they work with and to a very strong and supportive Board of Directors led by Billy. And last but really first our children and young people – who are always inspirational! ?