Myself and the rest of the Belfast Floating Support team (aka the dream team ?) are taking part in the Backyard Sleep Out this year.

Meliosa Backyard Sleeout Guiness the dog Backyard Sleeout

I was proud to be part of this incredible initiative to raise awareness and much needed funds for youth homelessness. As I’m a Mum, mine had to take place on the living room floor, which I feel was also a nod towards our many young people that sadly don’t have the option of anything but sofa surfing. ?

I’ve included a photo of my professional sleep bag warmer Guinness too. ?⠀⠀

Please support us in any way you can. Everyone deserves a roof over their heads and a bed to call their own! There is still time to sign up! ⛺️⠀

~ Meliosa, Floating Support Worker