robyn at world social work day 1

robyn at world social work day 2 I recently had the pleasure of attending an RQIA conference on World Social Work Day, with the guest of honour, our very own Robyn (MACS young person)!

Theresa Nixon, Director of Mental Health, Learning Disability and Social Work for RQIA, invited Robyn to be a guest speaker at the event after being impressed when she heard her speak on the radio for MACS.

It’s safe to say Robyn was incredible and with all due respect to everyone else speaking on the day, she definitely impressed the most. ?

Robyn was asked to recount experiences where she had social work involvement in her life and did so in a very candid, yet calm and measured manner. She fully deserved the room full of praise she received from all the professionals after she spoke. I was watching on with complete admiration and taking notes on how to be so confident in public speaking!

Well done Robyn!

~ Scott, Wellbeing Team

#WorldSocialWorkDay #YoungLeaders #InspiringVoices