For all our Supported Housing, your social worker can contact us to arrange an information session for you, to see around our accommodation and talk about what we can offer you.
If MACS receive a referral for you, then workers will meet you to discuss what you might want and need from us. This will be the time that we spend getting to know each other. MACS then meet with you and your social worker (if you have one) to talk about whether or not MACS would be a good option for you at this time.
Belfast Referral Process
Your social worker completes a referral and takes it to the Belfast Trust Referral Panel which meets monthly. All the supported housing providers sit on this Panel (MACS, Barnardos & BCM) and referrals are allocated to the different providers at this meeting. This accommodation is only available to young people who are care experienced and 16-21 years old.
Newry Referral Process
All referrals must come through your social worker. This accommodation is only available to young people who are care experienced and 16-21 years old.
Downpatrick Referral Process
Referral to the three care leavers flats is through the South Eastern Trusts monthly Panel. Your social worker completes a referral and takes it to the South Eastern Trust Referral Panel which meets monthly. All the supported housing providers sit on this Panel (MACS, Barnardos & BCM) and referrals are allocated to the different providers at this meeting.
Referrals to the emergency 10-day accommodation and the homeless accommodation is through Downpatrick Homeless Office (NIHE). They will complete an initial assessment with you if you present as homeless. This will then determine whether or not you are referred to MACS UNOCINI assessment flats or for one of the flats for young people who are homeless.
Lisburn Referral Process
Referral to the seven care leavers / homless flats is through the South Eastern Trusts monthly Panel. Your social worker completes a referral and takes it to the South Eastern Trust Referral Panel which meets monthly. All the supported housing providers sit on this Panel (MACS, Barnardos & BCM) and referrals are allocated to the different providers at this meeting.
Referrals to the emergency 10-day accommodation and the homeless accommodation is through Lisburn Homeless Office (NIHE). They will complete an initial assessment with you if you present as homeless. This will then determine whether or not you are referred to MACS UNOCINI assessment flats or for one of the flats for young people who are homeless.