This is our fifth year as Young Leaders having the privilege of designing and creating the annual report.
Not only does it give us a sense of pride and feeling of achievement but it gives us the opportunity to connect with all of MACS and bring it together into one beautifully designed document.
We get to think outside the box about how we want to capture the year of this incredible organisation that we are so proudly a part of and bring together our very own graphics, designs and writings to represent MACS as an organisation. Believe it or not, it is very hard to capture the brilliance of MACS into a set number of pages in an A4 document, but we think, maybe, just maybe, this year we did the trick!
We chose social media as the theme, because it has played a huge part in our organisation this year, more than ever. We are writing this during a very strange time: during the chaos of COVID-19 where the majority of MACS have been limited to their houses and we have had to conduct the Shadow Board meetings from our homes via social media platform Zoom. Social media has done a wonderful job of connecting the entirety of MACS together through this unsettling time and keeping the spirit of MACS as joyful as ever so we saw it only fitting to have as our theme for this year’s annual report.
We hope you enjoy this year’s annual report, we all worked very hard to make it the best one yet!
Until next year,
~ Young Leaders